Zombie Shooter

completed this project to enhance my understanding of technical animation. I also conducted experiments on animation state machines and blendspace. Additionally, I learned how to add sockets into a mannequin with short animations.
First Person Shooter
Unreal 5.1
Technical Animation
Game Play Programmer,Technical Animator
game trailer
Chack Game Process Below
Project overview

completed this project to enhance my understanding of technical animation. I also conducted experiments on animation state machines and blendspace. Additionally, I learned how to add sockets into mannequin with short animations.
Work in progress

First, I started with side scroller game development to see how things work for animation in unreal

Second I took animation rigging assats from Maximo, then put in Maya to customize the animation according to my game plan

"Then import the character with animation into Unreal Engine."

After it I started to mak state machins in unreal importing all animation and connecting to charecter

I created animation montege to short into small animation which will ease to put in blendspace

this the blueprint for aim and fier system attached to charedter

this the blueprint for for NPC Ai charecter I build a system to zombi with damege and Ai movement system

Screen Shots of game